1. Advice and Information -

    The current Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic may cause you to feel worried, anxious, or scared. Read our seven steps to looking after your wellbeing while staying informed.
  2. Report -

    After hearing that access to non-emergency patient transport services was becoming more difficult for local residents, our Executive Board decided we needed to carry out further engagement work. Read our report to find out what people told us.
  3. Report -

    The project focused on engaging with rural residents in B&NES who are isolated by geography or circumstance and to find out the impact this has had on their experiences of accessing health and social care.
  4. News -

    People needing GP services across Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire will soon be advised to visit a specific clinic depending on whether or not they are showing symptoms of coronavirus. Find out what this means for you.
  5. Report -

    This project set out to explore the issue of rural isolation in BANES and understand what the impact for young people who experience this has on their ability to engage in health services, specifically mental health provision.
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    Parents, carers and others looking after children across Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire are being advised not to let worries about coronavirus delay them from seeking medical help this Easter. Read more.
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    NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) South West region has asked North Bristol NHS Trust to oversee the new NHS Nightingale Hospital Bristol alongside its existing group of hospitals. Read more.
  8. Advice and Information -

    We explain why it’s important to have a plan in place, should you or a loved one become critically ill with coronavirus. Read more.
  9. Advice and Information -

    With a surge in cases of domestic violence because of the Covid-19 lockdown we have put together some information about where you can get information and support. Read more.
  10. News -

    Drive-thru GP appointments are just one of a number of initiatives helping practices in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire to continue providing much-needed care to local communities throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Read more.
  11. Advice and Information -

    Do you know what the term safeguarding means? Waltham Forest Council have created a short video aimed at volunteers, which explains what this means. Find out more.
  12. News -

    NHS and social care staff are doing everything they can to keep us well during this crisis, but there might be things that can be improved. We want to hear from you about your experiences of care during COVID-19 to help make things better.
  13. News -

    Less than three weeks since work started, NHS Nightingale Hospital Bristol opens today. Based at University of West of England Frenchay campus, it will provide up to 300 intensive care beds for coronavirus patients, if local services need them.
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    New data shows a considerable drop in the number of people coming forward to ask their GP for help and advice during the coronavirus outbreak. Read more.
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    Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group has today agreed a set of recommendations that will maintain the health and wellbeing of mums-to-be during the current coronavirus outbreak. Read more.
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    Non-clinical staff at Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Group are offering a helping hand to community nursing teams in Swindon and Wiltshire by delivering urgent and end-of-life medicines direct to people’s homes.
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    With many GP practices across Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire reducing their opening hours this bank holiday weekend, doctors are offering reassurances that help will still be available for those who need it. Read more.
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    The Grab and Go form gives doctor and nurses important information about a patient who has a learning disability or autism if they have to be admitted to hospital because of COVID 19. Find out more.
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    Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group is marking Mental Health Awareness Week by encouraging people to be kind to themselves during lockdown and to always seek help when it is needed. Find out more.
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    A new film that aims to help more women with learning disabilities to access breast screening has been made featuring women who live locally to Bath and North East Somerset. Find out more.
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    GP practices across Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire will be reducing their opening hours this bank holiday weekend, but local people are being reassured that the NHS is still on hand to provide help where it’s needed. Read more.
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    Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership have published a wellbeing guide put together by one of their service users in Bath and North East Somerset. Read more.
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    People across Bath, North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire can now access free NHS treatment for urgent eye care from their local optician. Read more.
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    Thousands of patients in B&NES Swindon and Wiltshire are now benefiting from video-based appointments, as well as patient care delivered remotely by GPs and other primary care staff, thanks to the combined efforts of NHS organisations in the region.
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    Local Bath & North East Somerset resident, Lara, is inviting disabled people living in the area to be part of a disability rights group and tell us why this is important to her. Find out more.
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    NHS England and Improvement have given notice that Jhoots Pharmacy in Bath will be closing on 31 July 2020. Find out more.
  27. Advice and Information -

  28. News -

    B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire Maternity Voices Partnership want to gather the views of pregnant women and those who have had their babies with a survey they are running. They will share the findings with local maternity services. Find out more.
  29. Report -

    In 2019 the Commissioning Support Unit carried out a review of special care dentistry in the South West and asked local Healthwatch to help carry out a survey of patients using this service in each local area. Find out more about the work we did.
  30. Report -

    A Quality Account is a report about the quality of services offered by an NHS healthcare provider. Each year local Healthwatch are given the opportunity to respond to these. Find out more about this and read our responses to providers.
  31. Advice and Information -

    Routine dental care has had to change because of COVID-19, with social distancing rules making it difficult to access services. Here’s some information on how to access an NHS dentist during the pandemic.
  32. Report -

    Read our annual report for 2019/20 and find out about all the brilliant work carried out by our team and our wonderful volunteers throughout the year.
  33. News -

    Health leaders at Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group have asked the public not to throw away the recent progress made in tackling coronavirus. Read more.
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    A worrying trend of patients avoiding important face-to-face hospital appointments has prompted a warning that doing so could have serious implications for long-term health. Read more.
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    Alliance of local and national care organisations calls on the South West to give feedback to shape future care. Read more.
  36. News -

    Do you have lived experience of using mental health, learning disability or autism services in B&NES, or do you currently use any of these services, or live with somebody who does? Bath and North East Somerset Council want to hear your views.
  37. News -

    Bath Institute for Rheumatic Diseases (BIRD) has been awarded £4,148 to make and promote a series of podcasts for patients from our community pot fund. Find out more.
  38. Advice and Information -

    Self-isolation, social distancing and shielding have been introduced by the Government to help you and your loved ones stay safe from COVID-19. Find out what they mean in practice and what applies to you.
  39. News -

    People in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire who have lived through a mental health crisis are urging others to make use of the help available throughout the region at the very first sign of things getting too much. Read more.
  40. News -

    A radio campaign will run from Monday 24 August called 'Don’t Wait and Worry', encouraging people across Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire to see their GP if they have symptoms which could be signs of cancer. Find out more.
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    The Community Pharmacy Newsletter for August is available here to read.
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    On Monday 27th July, Public Health England is launching a major new adult health campaign to seize the opportunity for a national reset moment of health. Find out more.
  43. News -

    At the beginning of 2020 we invited organisations across B&NES to apply for our Community Pot fund. Action for M.E. received funding to address health and social inequalities for adults with M.E. by providing a number of channels of support.
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    At the beginning of 2020 we invited organisations across B&NES to apply for our Community Pot fund. Bath Institute for Rheumatic Diseases was awarded funding from this to produce a series of four podcasts about rheumatic diseases. Read more,
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    At the beginning of 2020 we invited organisations across B&NES to apply for our Community Pot fund. Bath Rugby Foundation received funding to look at the barriers to employment for young adults with SEND transitioning from school or college.
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    At the beginning of 2020 we invited organisations across B&NES to apply for our Community Pot fund. the Carers's Centre B&NES received funding to extend their support line hours, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more.
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    At the beginning of 2020 we invited organisations across B&NES to apply for our Community Pot fund. SWALLOW received funding to support adults with learning disabilities to transition back to 'normal life' after the COVID-19 lockdown. Find out more.