Community Pot Project 2019/20: Bath Rugby Foundation

We are very pleased to be awarded the Healthwatch Community Grant and look forward to working with the young people of BaNES and Healthwatch to support and understand the transition of vulnerable young adults into training and employment. Many of the young adults we work with face barriers in getting long term employment and with this successful grant it will enable us to research and understand deeper the common barriers and themes within our local area and connect organisations to improve the pathway and prospect of long term employment.
Bath Rugby Foundation is the charitable arm of Bath Rugby. They support vulnerable young people in Bath and surrounding areas and use the core values of rugby to help develop young people mentally and physically.
They use sport to help participants to adopt a healthy lifestyle and build life skills. They deliver education programmes building resilience and life skills within primary, secondary and special schools. They also provide inclusive sessions focusing on marginalised, people with disabilities and employment programmes which provide an alternative platform for learning and employment.
Aim of the project
Bath Rugby Foundation's project will look at the issue of transition for young adults transitioning from special schools and secondary schools to college, training and employment and the social implications of unemployment.
During the course of the project they will:
- create a working group with three Bath Rugby Foundation students with additional needs to manage this project,
- host up to 10 forum meetings throughout B&NES, to gather information from young people and their parents/carers and practitioners on the barriers to employment (e.g. Hi 5! Club, Keynsham Mencap, Swallow).
- create a survey that will be posted online for people to complete in both writing and picture. They will also create a voice message survey where people can request to be called and asked over the phone for their answers,
- 1:1 conversations which can either be face-to-face or over the phone with young people, parents/guardians/carers, teachers, practitioners or community group leaders,
- provide a list of support services within B&NES for unemployed young people to support them to find employment,
- develop a strategy to increase the number of Disability Confident Employers within B&NES, of which there are currently 14, and
- evidence to show the journey that many young people go through to find employment if they find employment.
Talk to us
What are your experiences of using services in BANES? You can speak to one of the team or provide feedback online. Giving feedback, both good and bad, can help improve services. #BecauseWeAllCare