Learning Disability & Autism Review 2022

We have conducted a review of the feedback received from those living with a Learning Disability and/or Autism in Bath & North East Somerset (BaNES) between 2020 -2022. Identifying the need for further engagement and support.

As we continue to work with various organisation's across BaNES, this review will be used in conjunction with the Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Learning Disabilities Mortality Review (BSW LeDeR) project. 

Reflecting the voice of the patient is a key element of what we at Healthwatch BaNES strive to achieve. Since compiling this report, we have attended the Preparing for Adulthood conference in Radstock, which provided a good opportunity to engage with young people with learning difficulties and their parents. We have also engaged with parents of children with diagnoses of autism and other sensory and emotional difficulties through the local peer led Parent Carer Forum, which we hope to continue to be a part of. We are continuing to strengthen our links with Swallow and The Life Project both of which support people with learning disabilities. 


To view our findings, please download our review here. 

Learning Disability & Autism Review 2022

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