Latest news and views

Unpaid carers: complete our survey
We want to know what happens when someone rejects being given care and the impact that this has on their carer. We are also interested in what it is like to access care on behalf of someone else and the barriers that carers face.

October - December 2024 in review
Take a look at what we've been up to over the last few months, including who we have spoken to, what people have told us - and more.

Have your say: the NHS 10 Year Health Plan
The government wants to hear the views, experiences and ideas of everyone in England as part of 'the biggest ever conversation about the future of the NHS'. Here's how you can get involved.

Public’s confusion over ‘right’ to register with an NHS dentist
Almost two decades after the public lost their right to register permanently with an NHS dentist, our new research shows two-thirds believe this right exists. Find out more about our findings and calls for dental reform.
We have published the first-ever research on people’s understanding of NHS dentistry and what they want from the service as the government develops…

Warm Spaces Directory for Bath & North East Somerset
Warm Spaces are public spaces open to the community to keep warm in winter.

Update for Autumn/Winter 2024
Welcome to our new seasonal newsletter!
Including updates on
Healthwatch summary and new reports
Information to support you through the colder months
Wellbeing Courses
how to share your views about your…
Including updates on
Healthwatch summary and new reports
Information to support you through the colder months
Wellbeing Courses
how to share your views about your…

Government plans for social care reform: Healthwatch England's response
Louise Ansari has described the plans as a 'desperately needed first step'.

July - September 2024 in review
We have been busy for the last few months.
Find out more about who we have spoken to, what people have told us and more.
Find out more about who we have spoken to, what people have told us and more.

Your September News
Welcome to our September update
Latest reports and publication

Healthwatch Bath and North East Somerset's Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct sets out the expectations Healthwatch Bath and North East Somerset has of all those who work or carry out activities for it, in a voluntary or paid capacity, including trustees, employees, students and volunteers.
Find out more

Digital access to healthcare in Bath & North East Somerset and Swindon
The NHS is encouraging online access across many service areas. We wanted to find out what this digital push means for patients.
Find out more