Children and young people briefing January 2021

Healthwatch B&NES helps local people get the best out of health and social care services. In this briefing, we hear from the children and young people of two of our Community Pot Projects.
Young boy wearing mask covering lower part of his face

Healthwatch has been hearing from some children and young people about their mental health through two Healthwatch funded Community Pot projects:

  • Bath Area Play Project
  • Off the Record Banes


If you need this report in a different format, please email or call 01793 497 777.

Children and Young People Briefing January 2021
Healthwatch Bath and North East Somerset would like to hear how you and your children are feeling now and what you think about the health and care services you use.
Let us know by contacting us through one of the following ways: 

:  01225 232401

Facebook:  Healthwatch BANES

Text:  text ba + your story to 07860 021 60

Post:         Freepost RSBS-YBHY-RYLL
                        Healthwatch Bathnes
                        The Care Forum
                        The Vassall Centre
                        Gill Ave
                        BS16 2QQ