What is Enter and View?
Organisations must allow an authorised representative from Healthwatch to 'Enter and View' and look at how services are being provided, as long as this does not affect the care being delivered or the privacy and dignity of people using services.
Providers do not have to allow entry to parts of a care home which are not communal areas or allow entry to premises if their work on the premises relates to children’s social services. We are not permitted to 'Enter and View' local authorities’ social services for people under the age of 18.
The purpose of the visits are to identify good practice that can be celebrated and shared with others, and to identify any issues raised by service users.
What happens?
A member of the Healthwatch team will contact the provider in advance and let them know about the intended visit. A small team of Healthwatch volunteers will come to observe the service. They will all have received training and will all have had a DBS check.
They will ask staff, service users, and family members if present, some questions in a friendly and informal style about their experiences of the service. Some questions may relate to experiences of health and social care services more generally.
After an Enter and View visit, a short report will be written up and shared with the provider of the service. Recommendations may be made in order to help make services better for the people who use them. The report may also be shared with relevant commissioners and be put up on this website.
Interested to find out more?
If you have any questions or would like further information about Enter and View visits, as a provider of services or as a service user, speak to one of the team.
Our Enter and View representatives:
- Ann Harding
- Amelia Jayne Cornick-Dingle
- June Vince
- Catherine Shaw
- Ann-Marie Scott
- Joanna Parker
- Sue Poole
- Amritpal Kaur
- Josephine Fliski
- Ella Langron
- Andrew Walker
- Daren Gordon
- Angela Chow
- Marta Staff
- Noah Marshall
- Catarina Xavier