Access to NHS Dental Treatment

Healthwatch Bath & North East Somerset has received a surge in calls, trying to locate Dental Practices which are able to take on NHS patients. Whilst we coordinate a project to obtain this information, for urgent care, you can contact the Dental Access Centres.
The Dental Access Centre (DAC) provides treatment for patients who have experienced difficulty in being accepted by an NHS Dentists. The Service gives priority to the relief of pain, but a partial or full course of treatment may be available where clinic capacity permits. Where possible, patients will then be referred to local GDPs for continuing care. The Service is available from the Dental Department, Riverside Health Centre in Bath.
The Dental Out of Hours Emergency Service (OOH) operates from clinics at Easton in Bristol (Charlotte Keel), Bath City Centre (Riverside) and Weston General Hospital. The Service provides emergency treatment to all patients whether you are NHS, private, do not have access to regular dental care, or are just visiting the area.
To access the DAC or OOH Service please telephone 111.