Annual Report 2019/20

Last year we heard from 203 people who told us about their experience of a number of different areas of health and social care.
This year we also launched two new elements to our service. Our quarterly ‘what matters to you?’ public meetings inviting people living in Bath and North East Somerset to speak to us about what matters to them in health and social care.
The Healthwatch B&NES Community Pot was also launched. VCSE organisations and groups operating in B&NES can apply to receive a one-off grant up to £5,000 to fund a piece of work or project that complements the aims of our work.
Key findings
- Shorter waiting times for appointments with primary care services and referrals to hospital
- Clearer information about prescriptions, particularly what is available from GPs and what needs to be purchased over the counter
- More transport options for people who live in North East Somerset, particularly to help them access medical appointments
We will continue to speak to members of the public about their experiences of health and social and feedback what we hear to providers and commissioners.
The timeframe for Community Pot funded projects spans both financial years and most of the projects are still underway. We plan to share the findings from them during autumn 2019.
If you need this report in a different format, please email or call 01225 232 401.