Annual Report 2016/17
We were delighted to be awarded a new two year contract from 1 April 2016. This has enabled us to build on some of the excellent work that has been done by the team over the last few years.
Our priorities
Using the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, Health and Wellbeing Strategy, intelligence from Healthwatch representatives and the information heard directly from local people, the 2016/17 priorities were:
- Mental health
- Access to services, specifically the implementation and impact of the Accessible Information Standard (AIS)
- Urgent care
Priorities for Healthwatch B&NES during 2017/18 include:
- Urgent care
- Accessible Information Standard
- integration of health and social care services, e.g. patient flow into the community from hospital, including discharge to assess
- Sustainability and Transformation Plan
- enter and view.
We will continue to speak to members of the public about their experiences of health and social and feedback what we hear to providers and commissioners.
If you need this report in a different format, please email or call 01225 232 401.