Cancer Support Groups available Locally and Nationally
Listed below are some local and national support groups that people might find helpful. The ones listed are mostly for adult support groups.

Bath gynae cancer support group
Gynaecological cancer support group meets from 10am to 12pm at the Boathouse, Newbridge, BA1 3NB.
“Drop in for a coffee and a chance to meet others in similar situations. There are also occasional health talks too”
More info – Tracey Langton, Cancer information specialist, 01225824049
We Get It “Dealing with cancer together”
A cancer charity providing support, resources and social events to bring the cancer community together.
“Down the pub” – chat, offload and whatever else you need.
Last Thursday of every month
Down the Pub – Bathampton Mill BA2 6TS
“The Get-Together” – Meet others who know how you feel.
Every Friday 10-11:30-am
90B Walcot St, Bath BA1 5BG
The Bath Breast of Friends
Over 50s Breast care support group. A group for woman who have or have had breast cancer.
The first Monday of every month, 12:30pm-2pm.
Pain Clinic Seminar Room, North Corridor,Royal United Hospital’s, Combe Park, BA1 3NG
More info – Cancer information support centre 01225824049
Breast Care Swimming Group
A friendly small group of ladies who have all had breast surgery at some time and are very supportive of each other.
Monday evenings 7-8pm
Kingswood School, Lansdown Bath, BA1 5RG
More info – Ruth Holbrook; 01225312299
Positive Action Cancer
A free professional counselling service that will enhance the lives of people who are affected either directly or indirectly by cancer or other life threatening illnesses. For adult, teens and children.
Venue in Twerton,
More info – Mary Taylor 01373455255
Saltford Group – Someone like us
A friendly group of woman who have undergone treatment for breast cancer. Get together on the first Thursday of each month 7:45pm-9:45pm.
Venues in Saltford, Keynsham and Bath
More info – Merrial Knight, 01225872801,
Yoga Classes
Yoga class at the Minerva Centre Bath for Women Living with Breast Cancer. It is caring, nurturing, gentle class, which focuses on relaxation and releasing tension within the body.
7-8:30pm £5 taster session 6 week course £45
Minerva Centre, Combe Park, Bath BA2 1JP
More info – Katie White 07725028511
Macmlllan Cancer Support Centre at RUH
Macmillan Cancer Support Centre at RUH | Live Well in Bath & North East Somerset (
Support and information for any affected by Cancer. Drop in service
Information to take away on cancer, its treatment, emotional impact and finances.
More info- 01225 824049
Cancer counselling through We Hear You
The counselling is for anyone affected by cancer including family and children. If is free and you can self-refer. No one should have to cope with the emotional impact of a life-threatening diagnosis alone. The free services support anyone affected directly or indirectly by cancer or a life-threatening condition, from age four upwards, with no time limit. They work across Swindon, bath, somerset, northeast Somerset and Wiltshire.
For further information call 01373 455255 or email

Macmillan Cancer Support UK
Provides Cancer information and support If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with cancer, you can find a variety of support and information on their website or by calling their helpline. Helpline contact number 0808 808 00 00.
Cancer support UK
Cancer Support UK provides practical and emotional support to people living with cancer, both during and after the treatment period. We support people with all kinds of cancer across the UK. They also offer free comfort kits for people going through cancer treatment. Tel: 020 3983 7616 Email:
Cancer research UK
Provides information on cancer treatments and support and advice both online and via their helpline. For information see their website or call their fee nurse helpline. Nurse Helpline 0808 800 4040 Questions about cancer? Call freephone 9 to 5 Monday to Friday
Live Through This Cancer support for the LGBTIQ+ community
live through this is a national cancer charity that offer support, information and advocating for people of the LGBTIQ+ community. Contact them via their website.
Look good feel better.
Look Good Feel Better is a National Cancer Charity. They run free workshops both virtually and at Cancer Care Centres and Hospitals across the UK to support women, men and young adults through this time. And to help them manage things like hair loss and physical changes to the skin. Telephone 01372 747 500 Email