Mental Health and Wellbeing in Bath & North East Somerset

Looking for mental health or wellbeing support in Bath and North East Somerset?
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Last year we worked with the Care Quality Commission, Healthwatch Wiltshire and Healthwatch Swindon. We wanted to gain a greater understanding about accessing and engaging with services whilst suffering with mental ill health. To help support the delivery of future services. 

One aspect of our findings focussed on the inability to access mental health services and the waiting times for these services. 

We also worked with NHS England and Improvements, supporting their commitment to their carers learning pandemic legacy project.

The report highlighted the challenges carers experienced during the pandemic; from being identified as a carer through to language and accessibility of services. 

You can read our full reports here:

How did people living with mental ill health access services during the pandemic? | Healthwatch Bathnes

Unpaid Carers Experience of Mental Health during the Pandemic | Healthwatch Bathnes

With the cost of living crisis adding pressure on to an already fragile system following the pandemic. We wish to help support everyone in our community to access services that will support their wellbeing. Our colleagues at Bath and North East Somerset Wellbeing College have collated information on all the various services and types of support in the area.